Tuesday, June 12, 2012

True Causes of the Un-Civil War

Since we now know that slavery was not the crux of the war, we ask, what was?  The fact is that the real cause of the Un-Civil War was the unjust taxation of the South by the North ("Taxation without representation" sound familiar?).  The industrial North controlled the federal government and used their power to further their greedy, selfish, power hungry ends.  The North raised tariffs on imports from and average of below 20% to a whopping 47% causing an economic boom in the North and economic hardship in the South.  Due to the high tariffs the export rate dropped 25% in South Carolina alone.  The South tried to plead their cause but the North would not listen and said all Southern "dissenters and rebels" should be "rounded up and hanged" (quotes from Congressman Thaddeus Stevens, Pennsylvania iron manufacturer and radical abolitionist).  After failed attempts at diplomacy, the South decided to secede from an unequal and tyrannical union and at first the North said the South could secede, but after seeing how much their profits would drop without the southern states, they went up in arms to "save the Union" which was really save their pocket books.

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